Blog Posts

Setting up Conversion for Jet Call Tracking in Google Analytics

What is Jet Call Tracking? In Australia, Jet Interactive creates an advanced phone call tracking service called Jet Call Tracking. This service allows you to track your phone number and have its data displayed in Google Analytics. This post will guide you to set correct goals in Analytics. This is different with the normal phone number click tracking which fires an event regardless the number being dialed or not. Jet Call Tracking only fires an Analytics event if the number

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Replacing Content in MySQL using UPDATE command

Sometimes we need to do a simple find and replace on our data. But how do you do it in MySQL? The good news is, MySQL has REPLACE function that can help you to perform a simple find and replace with the help of UPDATE command. This is very useful when you need to change instances of http:// of your domain to https:// when you purchase a SSL. Or maybe when you just need to remove accidental Lorem Ipsum text

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Displaying Git Branch on Elementary OS’s Terminal

ElementaryOS has a pretty looking terminal (pantheon), however it doesn’t tell you what git branch you are on right now which can be painful. In order to display git branch on your terminal, you will have to modify your ~/.bashrc file. Without further ado, let’s modify our ~/.bashrc file and get it working. #1: Open ~/.bashrc You can open your ~/.bashrc file using terminal or other editor. I find it easier to use nano command in terminal, but some of

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cPanel Automated Backup Script Using PHP, Cron Jobs and FTP

Backup is one of the most important things that has to be done in your environment. But doing manual backup every week is hard work. You have to log in to your cPanel, navigate to the backup page or backup wizard page, make your selection and click the button. Why can’t we automate this process? If you have standard cPanel (not a customised like Hostgator), you can set an automated backup with the help of cron job, PHP and FTP

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Phone and Email tracking with Google Analytics and jQuery

Update: Handle tag manager’s dataLayer and new Analytics gtag into script Correctly print out log As explained in email tracking and phone call tracking articles before, it’s possible to track phone and email click using Google Analytics event. Now what if we want to track both of them? We can simply copy and paste from both articles and it will work fine. Alternatively, we can consolidate the two scripts into one and save some spaces. The requirement for this script

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Email tracking with Google Analytics and jQuery

Email Tracking With Google Analytics and jQuery

Similar to setting up phone call tracking, now let’s set up an email tracking using Google Analytics and jQuery. We will make use Google Analytics event tracking to help us achieve this. The requirement for this script to run successfully is to have the email wrapped in <a> tag with mailto: href. Let’s say your email tag looks like below: [crayon-670ef00f00b2f163665513/] Now you can put the following script after you load Google Analytics and jQuery. [crayon-670ef00f00b35000339373/] What does the above script do? The

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Solving Laravel Homestead Sync Issue with VirtualBox in Windows 10

Solving Laravel Homestead Sync Issue with VirtualBox in Windows 10

I was very frustrated with setting up Laravel Homestead to sync with my windows 10. So hopefully this tutorial can help you who are facing the same issue with me. Prequisites Before we start, let me tell you that I have tested with the following app versions: VirtualBox 5.1.14 & 5.1.18 Vagrant 1.9.1 & 1.9.2 If you are not sure, just download: VirtualBox 5.1.18 Vagrant 1.9.2 You can use the below step if you have followed the Laravel documentation

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Setting up phone call tracking with Google Analytics and jQuery

Setting up phone call tracking using Google Analytics can be confusing and devastating because it doesn’t go to a certain page, so we cannot use pageviews to easily track the conversion. The only available option is to use Google Analytics event tracking. In this post I will show you an easy way to track any phone number using Google Analytics and jQuery. The requirement for this script to run successfully is to have the phone call wrapped in <a> tag

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Automatically Create Directory When Uploading With CodeIgniter

Automatically Create Directory When Uploading with CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter does not automatically create a directory when uploading a file to a non-existent directory. There are some work around by handling it in controller when uploading the file, but the easiest way is to extend CI_Upload library. Harrison Emmanuel ( came up with a library to extend CI_Upload. Be sure to check his github gist. How To Use To use this library, you can create MY_Upload.php under your application/libraries folder and use the following code. libraries/MY_Upload.php [crayon-670ef00f00eda117929162/] And it’s done. You

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Sliding Sidebar